File | Translation coverage | |
frontend | 50.94% |
game | 49.22% |
supporter | 0% |
web | 43.86% |
Missing in ga/frontend.php:
'slowDown' => 'SLOW DOWN',
'speedLimitIs' => 'The speed limit is',
'connecting' => 'Connecting...',
'signingIn' => 'Signing in',
'loginFail' => 'Log in failed!',
'loginFail2' => 'Not logged in! You\'re playing as a guest called {name}.',
'mapLoading' => 'Map loading...',
'oldVer2' => 'You still have the old version! Use {key} to reload your client',
'roomFull' => 'It seems the room is full.',
'lobbyInfo' => 'This chat is shared with {discord}.',
'newHost' => 'You are now the host of this room.',
'badRoom' => 'This room no longer exists, joining the Default room!',
'stngsChanged' => 'Setting changed by the host',
'stngsCustom' => 'Custom settings',
'aSpec' => 'Already spectating!',
'aPlay' => 'Already playing!',
'repFail' => 'Replay failed to save.',
'repInChat' => 'Replay file dumped into the chat. To preserve it, copy the text in the box and paste into your favourite text editor.',
'repTxtInfo' => 'The copied replayfile can be then played in the replayer or possibly resubmitted to the site.',
'firstPB' => 'This was your first game. Get another PB to track the improvement.',
'infoPB' => 'Your previous record was {prevPB} achieved {prevAgo}. The improvement is {PBdiff}.',
'daysAgo' => 'days ago',
'raceFinInfo' => 'You can complete the run, but the next round can start at any time.',
'notTSD' => 'NOT TSD',
'notTSDInfo' => 'Only T-Spin Double is allowed',
'notPC' => 'NOT a PC',
'notPCInfo' => 'Do a Perfect Clear every 10 blocks. Your board is not clearable.',
'fwDetect' => 'FOUR WIDE',
'fwDetectInfo' => 'Attacking yourself!',
'oops' => 'Oops!',
'chatNA' => 'Public chatting is not available for guests or users with less than {chReq} hours of gametime.',
'leMore' => 'Learn more',
'connLimit' => 'The maximum amount of open connections for this IP is curently reached. If you need increased limits, contact us via Discord',
'idleDC' => 'Disconnected for inactivity! Spectator section was full.',
'RLreach' => 'Rate limit reached.',
'ban1' => 'Your access to the Live games has been permanently restricted. You can still play singleplayer modes.',
'ban2' => 'This user account is BANNED. Relogin to the website for more information.',
'ncGS' => 'Not connected to the game server, try {refr}.',
'refr' => 'refreshing the page',
'nsUnpub' => 'Record not saved, the map is not published.',
'nsTspins' => 'Record not saved, not enough T-Spins.',
'nsLowPC' => 'Record not saved, at least 2 Perfect Clears needed.',
'noBlocks' => 'Out of blocks',
'noBlocks2' => 'All blocks were used',
'noPlayers' => 'No players',
'cntMore' => '{cnt} more',
'cntGuests' => '{cnt} guests',
'cntSpec' => '{cnt} spectating',
'joinPossible' => 'Join possible',
'notEligible' => 'Not eligible',
'gTimeShort' => 'G.time',
'on' => 'On',
'off' => 'Off',
'fr' => 'Friends',
'frLoad' => 'Loading friend list',
'frLogin' => 'Log in first to use friend list',
'frEmpty' => 'Friend list is empty',
'frHowAdd' => 'Visit user\'s profile to send friend request.',
'frPriv' => 'Private',
'frIn' => 'Already in!',
'frChat' => 'Open chat',
'frRel' => 'Reload',
'frMsgTo' => 'Message to {name}',
'frInv' => 'Send room invite',
'frInvTo' => 'Invite to join {room}',
'frInvIn' => 'You are already in!',
'frInvBy' => 'by {user}',
'frOn' => 'ONLINE',
'frOff' => 'OFFLINE',
'frNewChatH' => 'This is the beginning of chat history with {name}.',
'frWelc' => 'Welcome to the Friends tab',
'frIntro' => 'In this area you can access a list of online friends, private chats, and room invites',
'frIntro2' => 'To send a friend request, visit a user\'s profile',
'frIntro3' => 'To manage friends, visit the {frPage}',
'frPage' => 'Friends page',
'frIntroCl' => 'Close intro',
Missing in ga/game.php:
'skin' => 'Skin',
'skin2' => 'Block skin',
'touchBtn' => 'Enable on-screen control buttons',
'touchBtnMove' => 'Allow position adjustment by dragging',
'ARR' => 'ARR',
'sound' => 'Sound',
'monochrome' => 'Monochrome',
'enableVSE' => 'Voice comments',
'rotateSE' => 'Sound effect of block rotation',
'DMsound' => 'Direct message notification',
'SEvol' => 'SE volume',
'rescaleNow' => 'Resize multiplayer fields immediately',
'rescaleNowInfo' => 'If unchecked fields of new players will appear next round',
'DAScancel' => 'DAS cancellation',
'DAScancelInfo' => 'If enabled, DAS cancels on direction change',
'FPSDAS' => 'FPS-based DAS',
'FPSDASInfo' => 'Evaluate DAS on fixed intervals (lower timing accuracy)',
'webGL' => 'Use WebGL',
'webGLInfo' => 'Disable this if you aren\'t able to render OpenGL in :year',
'mLay' => 'Use mobile layout',
'mLayInfo' => 'Change to override mobile detection, requires refresh',
'trem' => 'time remaining',
'tsdsCounter' => 'TSDs done',
'pcCounter' => 'Perfect Clears',
'score' => 'Score',
'KPP' => 'KPP',
'editRoom' => 'Edit',
'usePreset' => 'Use preset',
'default' => 'Default',
'defaultDesc' => 'The default settings',
'otherOptions' => 'Other options',
'customPreset' => 'Use custom preset',
'browsePresets' => 'Browse custom presets',
'submitPreset' => 'Submit a new one',
'savePreset' => 'Save the preset',
'customRooms' => 'Custom rooms',
'overflowRooms' => 'Overflow rooms',
'guestRooms' => 'Guest rooms',
'spectateRooms' => 'Spectate only rooms',
'gmodeTeam' => 'Team',
'applyCh' => 'Apply changes',
'survival' => 'Survival',
'mapDownstack' => 'Map downstack',
'ultra' => 'Ultra',
'20TSD' => '20TSD',
'PCmode' => 'PC Mode',
'bots' => 'Bots',
'rulesets' => 'Rulesets',
'all' => 'All',
'preset' => 'Preset',
'audioCredits' => 'Audio Assets by',
'fullScreen' => 'Full screen',
'showHoldQueue' => 'Show H+Q',
'showStats' => 'Show stats',
'roomLimits' => 'Room join limits',
'setLimitsInfo' => 'You can set requirements for players joining your room. Leave a field empty for no limit.',
'addLimit' => 'Add join limit',
's40L' => 'Sprint 40L',
'accGametime' => 'Gametime',
'applyClose' => 'Apply & Close',
'teamSel' => 'Team selection',
'myTeam' => 'Playing for',
'seconds' => 'seconds',
'minutes' => 'minutes',
'hours' => 'hours',
'ms' => 'ms',
's' => 's',
'hrs' => 'hrs',
'attackTable' => 'Attack table',
'comboTable' => 'Combo attack',
'gBlocking' => 'Garbage blocking',
'blocksType' => 'Blocks',
'randomizer' => 'Randomizer',
'previews' => 'Previews',
'solidGarbage' => 'Solid garbage',
'solidGarbageSpeed' => 'Solid g. speed',
'solidAfterSecs' => 'After',
'lockDelay' => 'Lock delay',
'clearDelay' => 'Clear delay',
'speedLimit' => 'Speed limit',
'gravityLvl' => 'Gravity lvl',
'garbageDelay' => 'Garbage Delay',
'garbageMess' => 'Messiness',
'gapWidth' => 'Gap width',
'gInv' => 'Invert garbage',
'solidAtk' => 'Attack as solid',
'allSpin' => 'All-spin',
'asImmobile' => 'Immobile',
'as4Point' => '4-point',
'allSpinNA' => 'Excl. blocks',
'noFW' => 'NoFourwide',
'hostStart' => 'HostStart',
'lines' => 'Lines',
'statistics' => 'Stats',
'vs' => 'VS',
'downstack' => 'garbage downstack',
'wasted' => 'Wasted',
'expand' => 'Expand',
Missing in ga/supporter.php:
'donate' => 'Donate',
'supportUs' => 'Support Us',
'descr' => 'Support Jstris and enable the Supporter rewards',
'supportJstris' => 'Support Jstris',
'supportDesc1' => 'If you appreciate this game, please consider becoming Supporter of this project and help cover server expenses and further development.',
'warnDelay' => 'It may take up to 10 minutes until the transaction is credited to your Jstris account. Then you can configure your Supporter benefits here.',
't1Full' => 'Tier 1 Supporter',
't2Full' => 'Tier 2 Supporter',
't1' => 'Tier 1',
't2' => 'Tier 2',
'nameIcon' => 'Name icon',
'nameIconDesc' => 'Select one of 10 icons (incl. your country flag) that will show before your name.',
'emotes' => 'Emotes in chat',
'emotesDesc' => 'By typing <code>:</code> in jstris chat, emote selection will open with 2000+ available emotes from the Openmoji Library.',
'discord' => 'Role on Jstris discord',
'discordDesc' => 'Orange name on Jstris Discord server. Only applicable if you link Discord account to Jstris.',
'list' => 'Name on the Supporters list',
'listDesc' => 'A link to your in-game profile will be included in the list of supporters. Can be disabled in the settings.',
'customColor' => 'Custom color in chat',
'customColorDesc' => 'You can set any name color you want using a color picker tool.',
'moreIcons' => '2000+ name icons',
'moreIconsDesc' => 'You can set any of the 2000+ emoji icons from the Openmoji Library as the icon before your name in the game and on the website. You can also enable random icon selection each time you load the game.',
'blockSkins' => '100+ more block skins',
'blockSkinsDesc' => '100+ More block skins will be available in the in-game Appearance settings. This skin selection will be visible to other players and in your replays.',
'changeName' => 'Option to change username',
'changeNameDesc' => 'Option to change user name once a month.',
'allFromT1' => 'and everything from Tier 1',
'perMonth' => ':cost per month',
'customAmount' => 'Custom amount',
'customAmountDesc' => 'You may become Supporter with a one-time transaction or a custom amount. In case of one-time, the Supporter benefits are assigned to your account for a duration based on the amount.',
'oneTime' => 'One time',
'monthly' => 'Monthly',
'other' => 'Other',
'estimate' => 'Show estimate',
'dAmount' => 'Donation amount',
'sDuration' => 'Supporter duration',
'learnMore' => 'Learn more',
'paymentsInfo' => 'Processed via :service_name. Can be cancelled anytime on account dashboard.',
'gift' => 'Gift rewards',
'giftDesc' => '',
'giftTo' => 'Gift to account',
'set' => 'Set',
'rewardsAvailable' => 'Supporter rewards available',
'rewardsList' => 'Thanks for your donation to Jstris! You may enable the following rewards.',
'monthlyActive' => 'You currently have :type subscription active.',
'customActive' => 'You have :type rewards enabled for :days days based on the donation amount.',
'ingameIcon' => 'In-game icon',
'countryFlag' => 'Country flag',
'iconEmote' => 'Custom emote as in-game icon',
'iconEmoteDesc' => 'Start typing to search. Visit :link for full list of emote names.',
'randIcon' => 'Select a new icon randomly every time the game is loaded',
'chatColor' => 'Custom in-game name color',
'supporterList' => 'Username mentioned in the Supporters list',
'roleAdded' => 'Added to your connected Discord account :name.',
'addDiscord' => 'Add your Discord account in the <a href=":link">Jstris account settings</a> before enabling.',
'apply' => 'Apply changes',
Missing in ga/web.php:
'maps' => 'Maps',
'mapsBrowse' => 'Browse',
'myMaps' => 'My maps',
'mapsDesigner' => 'Map Designer',
'randomMap' => 'Random map',
'mapsLatestGames' => 'Latest games',
'guide' => 'Guide',
'favReplays' => 'Favorite replays',
'friends' => 'Friends',
'perfectFinesse' => '0 finesse',
'mostGames' => 'The most games',
'lines' => 'Lines',
'scoringPlaylist' => 'Scoring playlist',
'filterSP' => 'Filter scoring playlist',
'applyFilter' => 'Apply filter',
'timestamp' => 'Timestamp',
'action' => 'Action',
'scoreEq' => 'Score equivalent',
'position' => 'Position',
'lAVG' => 'Local average',
'gAVG' => 'Global average',
'repHelp' => 'Help',
'repExport' => 'GIF or video',
'localSettings' => 'Localization settings',
'lang' => 'Language',
'langNone' => 'None (selectable in the top menu)',
'langDesc' => 'Select the preferred language.',
'timezone' => 'Timezone',
'timezoneDesc' => 'Used to convert time into your local time.',
'country' => 'Country',
'continent' => 'Continent',
'countryDesc' => 'Used to display per-country leader boards.',
'userRanking' => 'Ranking stats',
'blockCnt' => ':cnt blocks',
'APM10Games' => '10-games APM',
'PPS10Games' => '10-games PPS',
'createdMaps' => 'Created maps',
'viewMapsBy' => 'View all maps created by',
'playersCount' => 'Players',
'gameResultPosition' => 'Position',
'gameResultRoundTime' => 'Gametime',
'viewAllGamesOf' => 'All games of :mode',
'noGamesOf' => ':name hasn\'t played any games of :mode yet.',
'map' => 'Map',
'mapCreate' => 'Create new',
'mapName' => 'Name',
'mapNameLong' => 'Map name',
'mapDesc' => 'Description',
'mapRules' => 'Rules',
'mapOptions' => 'Options',
'mapPlay' => 'Play',
'mapPlayLink' => 'Play Map',
'mapAuthor' => 'Author',
'mapCreatedBy' => 'Created by',
'backToMaps' => 'Back to maps',
'playThisMap' => 'Play this map',
'search' => 'Search',
'mapsByUser' => ':name\'s maps',
'displayUnpublished' => 'Display :cnt unpublished maps',
'displayPublished' => 'Display :cnt published maps',
'usersMapMedals' => ':name\'s map medals',
'usersCompletedMaps' => ':name\'s completed maps',
'showRecords' => 'Show records',
'details' => 'Details',
'playedBy' => 'Played by',
'latestMapGames' => 'The latest map games',
'changelog' => 'Changelog',
'translators' => 'Translators',
'moderators' => 'Moderators',
'wasteDesc' => 'Ratio of T pieces not used in a T-Spin (to total T pieces)',
'setOther' => 'Other options',
'hideAcc' => 'Hidden account',
'accVisibility' => 'Visibility',
'hideAccInfo' => 'If enabled, the account will be excluded from public leaderboards.',
'reportU' => 'Report user',
'reportDesc' => ' Here you can create a report if you think someone has abused the game chat.',
'user' => 'User',
'reason' => 'Reason',
'rr0' => 'Spam or unwanted advertising',
'rr1' => 'Sexually explicit content',
'rr2' => 'Hate speech',
'rr3' => 'Harassment or bullying',
'rr4' => 'Other (specify)',
'sendReport' => 'Send report',
'accept' => 'Accept',
'ignore' => 'Ignore',
'pending' => 'Pending Requests',
'frFilter' => 'Filter Names',
'noPending' => 'At the moment you have no pending friend requests.',
'onlineNow' => 'Online now',
'recentlyAc' => 'Recently active',
'lastActive' => 'Active :when',
'noFriends' => 'At the moment your friend list is empty.',
'ruSure' => 'Are you sure?',
'rmFriend' => 'Do you want to remove this person from your friend list?',
'rmConfirm' => 'Yes, remove',